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Emotional Intelligence: Why it Matters?

  • Blog

How the concept ‘intelligence ‘(related to cognitive domain) and ‘emotion ‘ (related to affective domain) merged  and create a new concept ‘emotional intelligence ‘ and is a very important attribute behind success of an individual. Basic components of ‘ Emotional Intelligence ‘ (EI) as given by Daniel Goleman are Self- Awareness (Ability to recognize and understand one’s moods, emotions, drives as well as their effect on other), Self-Regulation ( Ability to control or redirect disruptive impulses and moods), Motivation ( A propensity to pursue goals with energy and persistence), Empathy ( The ability to understand the emotional make-up of other people; skill in treating people according to their emotional reaction), Social-Skill ( Proficiency in managing relationships and building network; an ability to build common ground and build rapport).

EI matters more than IQ because EI is better predictor of success in life and unlike IQ we can teach and improve some crucial emotional competencies.  The term ‘emotional intelligence’ first introduced in 1990 by American University professors – John Mayer and Peter Salovey and later popularised by Daniel Goleman but the concept is deep rooted in the philosophy of Indian thinkers like Rabindranath Tegore, Swami Vivekananda, Rishi Arabinda, J. Krishnamurti and so on.

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